Work Injury Chiropractor in Coon Rapids MN

Work Injury Chiropractor in Coon Rapids MN

Chiropractic Coon Rapids MN Work Injury

Clinic Hours

Monday: 7:30am - 11:00am | 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 7:30am - 11:00am | 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 7:30am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

When and if you've been injured at work, your first instinct may be to ignore your injury and continue working as though nothing has gone wrong; after all, who wants to tell their boss that they've been injured, may need time off, and will need help paying for a work-related injury? Unfortunately, work-related injuries are a part of life that, no matter how hard we try, we can't always avoid, and there's no sense in ignoring your pain. Because of workers' compensation, if you're injured at work, you don't have to worry about paying for your entire treatment yourself, coming up with the money to pay for an injury that you simply wouldn't have sustained were it not for the everyday stresses of your job. Instead, you're ensured financial support in treating your work-related injuries, and that means that you'll be able to get the care you need and deserve without paying out of pocket. So come to Caring Chiropractic Center in Coon Rapids, MN, and begin your chiropractic and massage therapy treatments to get on the road to recovery from your work injury in Coon Rapids MN.


Most of the common work-related injuries we see involve repetitive reoccurring strain to patients' neck, back, muscles, and joints, usually caused by an over-cumbersome work load. Particularly if your job requires physical labor, or if you've been doing the same job for years, you've probably been straining the same muscles, over-working the same parts of your body for years without ever thinking that anything would go wrong. Unfortunately, the body can only take so much, and repeated and near-constant stress to specific portions of your body can often lead to an inevitable injury that could only have been prevented if you had stopped working and using the parts of your body that have suffered so much stress. However, as stopping work or changing occupations isn't an option for most people, chiropractic care and massage therapy are the next best thing to treat pain, heal injuries, and help you build up your body's health to prevent future injury.

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If you're suffering from a work-related injury, don't think that you have to deal on your own or be responsible for your medical bills. While chiropractic care wasn't always an insurance-approved recovery option for patients, since 2014, it has been recognized by most all insurance companies as a viable and legitimate pain relief treatment, and it is therefore covered by medical insurances. This means that when you file your workers' compensation paperwork with your employer human resource person, you can then begin to seek treatment, you won't have to worry about what your treatment might cost to you or your employer. In the state of Minnesota injured workers are entitled to treatment for on the job injuries which you may seek care with a chiropractor. You can rest assured that we will check your coverage, and you'll receive the best chiropractic care possible for your work injury recovery at Caring Chiropractic Center.